グローバル人材を生かす会社・殺す会社@ Venture Cafe Tokyo

人材 人事 イベント レッスン 実践 グローバルマインドセット コミュニケーションスキル

イベント「グローバル人材を生かす会社・殺す会社」at Venture Cafe Tokyo

[English Follows]

6月27日(木)にSparkDojoの野村アレックスが 、Dropbox Japan Customer Success Lead の是村潤さんとVenture Cafe Tokyo (http://venturecafetokyo.org/) にてイベント登壇します。





WHEN: 6月27日(木)17:00 - 18:00
WHERE: 虎ノ門ヒルズ2F(受付:虎ノ門ヒルズカフェ) 東京都港区虎ノ門一丁目23番1号
COST: 参加費無料


登壇者プロフィール / Panelists

Alex Nomura - COO, SparkDojo (Onedrops Inc.)

アメリカ生まれ、日本育ちの英語と日本語のバイリンガル。 2008年、米国 南カリフォルニア大学(USC)を卒業後、デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング株式会社に入社し、あらゆる業界の国内外の企業に対する経営やIT、M&A等のコンサルティングに携わる。2013年よりGREE株式会社にて国内外の事業戦略や海外事業推進に関連する業務に従事するほか、非ゲーム事業における新規事業の立上げにも携わる。 2015年より、ワンドロップス株式会社にてグローバル人材育成プラットフォームとしてのSparkDojo事業を立上げ、グローバル企業に対するHRコンサルティングや、大手企業やスタートアップのエグゼクティブ向けの英語コミュニケーションコーチングを実施。
Alex is an English and Japanese Bilingual, born in the US and raised in Japan. After graduating from the USC in 2008, Alex gains various work and industry experience at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting and Gree Inc. As the COO and one of the co-founders of Onedrops, Alex conducts HR consulting for global companies and serves as an English communication coach for executives of major companies and startups.

Jun Koremura - Customer Success Lead, Dropbox Japan
沖縄生まれ沖縄育ちの純沖縄人。 2004年に University of North Texas 大学院を卒業後、一貫して IT 業界に身を置いている。新卒から順番に、大手日系企業、日系ベンチャー、外資系日本法人立ち上げ時期メンバー、そして前職では日本マイクロソフトにて、法人企業に対する支援を行う部署に所属。2017年には US 本社に滞在し、持ち前のコミュニケーション力と行動力で、ばったり会ったマイクロソフト本社の Executive Vice President に対してエレベーターピッチを行い、次のステップに繋げるなとを経験。 現在は、Dropbox Japan の Customer Success Lead にて、法人のお客様の Success を支援しながら、グローバル人材になるべく、そして、そう言う人を増やすべく業務の範囲を越えて奮闘中。
Jun is a native Okinawan born and raised in Okinawa. Jun has been an expert in the IT industry ever since graduating from the University of North Texas with a masters degree. Starting his career in a major Japanese IT company, Jun has experienced working in US/Japanese based IT Startups, set-up Japanese branch of Global IT companies, and worked on b2b services at his previous employer, Microsoft. In 2007, while in the US, Jun had a chance to do an elevator pitch to an executive VP of Microsoft that led to expanding his opportunities even further. Jun is currently the Customer success Lead at Dropbox Japan, and his passion lies in the development of himself and others to become a truly global individual.

EVENT: Happy vs. Unhappy Global Employees

\"Companies that keep their Global employees Happy/Unhappy\" is an event that will be held by Venture Cafe Tokyo on June 27, featuring SparkDojo (Onedrops Inc) COO, Alex Nomura and Dropbox's Customer Success Lead, Jun Koremura. Alex, who deals frequently with companies and their global talent resources, will share his knowledge and tips regarding keeping employees happy.

Event Details

What does it really mean to be a “global person” or “global company”?

For individuals: Do you have the right mindset to succeed in a global company? Do you have the necessary skills?

For HR people: How can you attract more global people to your company? How do you keep them satisfied and retain them?

For CXOs: How can you best utilize and work effectively with global employees?

We will be discussing such issues and questions that many Japanese individuals and companies face as they seek to be more “global”. We would like to invite the audience to interactively share their concerns, experience, and solutions to help accelerate the globalization of Japan on an individual and corporate level.

WHEN: Thursday, June 27, 2019 from 05:00 pm to 06:00 pm
WHERE: Toranomo Hills 2F (Check-in: Toranomon Hills Cafe) at 東京都港区虎ノ門一丁目23番1号
港区, 東京都, 日本, 105-0001
COST: This is a free event!

Sign-Up: http://thursdaygathering-20190627.peatix.com

About SparkDojo

SparkDojo provides English communication skills training for individuals and corporate clients.
We have a school in Aoyama, Tokyo, and we provide a comprehensive training program that includes building a global mindset, increasing language fluency, and acquiring communication techniques for professionals of all levels.