SPARKDOJO 無料学習コンテンツ今すぐ無料でダウンロード

Global Skill Up eラーニング

英語 × ビジネススキル、SPARKDOJOの主要学習コンテンツ5つを無料で提供

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I can be more proactive in any situation, even at work

My name is Rubia Infanti. I’m living here in Japan now for 9 months. I’m working here in an international school, to help children learn a new language.

– What motivated you to join SPARKDOJO?

I think English is really important nowadays, and it’s really essential in our lives. Even for personal reasons, like making friends or having new discoveries in other countries, and also for professional reasons. To work for a new company, to have better opportunities, it’s really important to have good English.

– What English communication issues are you working on?

I’m working now on being more concise and specific about my topics, and delivering my speech in an assertive way. I think it is really important to know how we can express our ideas and to deliver our speech.

– What improvements do you see in yourself?

I think now I can be more direct, and also, I can be be more confident with my English skills. I can feel that I can ask more questions, and I can be more proactive in any situation, even at work, and here at the school too.

– Do other trainees have similar strengths and weaknesses?

They are not the same, because of, of course, the cultural aspects here, they are from Japan, and I am from another country. But I think it’s really nice to have different points of view.

– Do you spend time with the SPARKDOJO community outside the lessons?

Yes, I really like and enjoy other opportunities to go outside and to see our classmates, not only at school but at other events, and also with the trainers too.