SPARKDOJO 無料学習コンテンツ今すぐ無料でダウンロード

Global Skill Up eラーニング

英語 × ビジネススキル、SPARKDOJOの主要学習コンテンツ5つを無料で提供


Community Activities

Community Activities

Opportunities for continuous growth by connecting with fellow trainees outside of lessons

At SPARKDOJO, connecting our community is one of our highest priorities. Every month, we host numerous events, ranging from extra training opportunities including speech contests and lectures to inspire and improve the trainees’ communication skills, to more casual social events to network with other trainees.

Extra Training Opportunity 

Training is always more effective and more enjoyable when one is not alone. To help you continue building your skills by competing with and supporting others, SPARKDOJO hosts open events such as our annual Speech Contest, where you can feel your growth in a real situation.
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Social Events 

Take advantage of the many chances to become more involved with SPARKDOJO’s community network. Between our regular Meetups, seasonal events such as cherry blossom viewing, and chances to learn new culture through events like the Global Gourmet Club, there is sure to be something for everyone!
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